Camp Packing List
Prohibited Items
The Following Items are prohibited:
Matches, Lighters, Fireworks
Pocket Knives or Weapons of any kind
Alcohol, tobacco products, illegal drugs, vaping paraphernalia or intoxicants
Expensive Items (clothes, shoes, jewelry, electronics, etc)
Medical Supplies/ personal items
Any camper’s in need to medicine or medical supplies over the course of the camp are to inform camp staff here. Camp staff will ensure safe care of camper’s medicine and/or personal items.
Recommended list
Sleeping Bag
Change of clothes (sufficient for 3 day camp)
Sweatshirt and/or raincoat
Shower Articles
Towel Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, deoderant etc.
Water Bottle
Closed toe Shoes (for High Ropes)